Welcome to your HRD Connect update!

Five ways to build resilience at work: While we can’t always avoid the challenges and setbacks we inevitably face in life and in business, we can take steps to strengthen our resilience to be better prepared for when the road gets bumpy. With millions of working days lost to employers every year due to illness and injury, it pays as a line manager or business leader, to do what you can to ensure that you and your people are mentally and physically well. Dr Mark Winwood, director of psychological services at AXA PPP healthcare discusses further.

Matthew Syed, author of Black Box Thinking and Bounce discusses what HR leaders and businesses alike can learn from Microsoft. Syed discusses these teachings and the art of possessing a growth mindset to enable a strong learning culture. He shares his recent encounter with the CEO of Microsft and the importance of being a cultural architect within your business.

As ever, join the conversation and tweet us at @HRDCommunity or email me at [email protected].

I hope you enjoy the features.

Best wishes,

Emily Sexton-Brown,
Editor, HRD Connect