Welcome to your HRD Connect update!

Working With Cancer 

There are currently 850,000 people in the UK between the ages of 16-64 who have cancer; some of these people might want to return to work but just don’t know how. HRD Connect speaks to Barbara Wilson, founder of Working With Cancer (WWC) a social enterprise dedicated to supporting those who have cancer in the workplace. Barbara was diagnosed with cancer while she was at work and it became clear to her that the support and resources for both employees with cancer and those employers trying to manage it in the workplace were entirely lacking. Click below to read Barbara’s story.

“I realised that I was now totally and utterly exhausted and I had no one to talk to about it. I had no return to work plan, I attempted to do a full working day, I’d get home and go straight to bed. Without the support of my husband and family it would have been impossible to function.”

– Barbara Wilson

Leaders of the future 

Self-driving cars, advanced robotics, and algorithms that set bail terms for offenders is very much becoming the present day way of operating. The standard of technology rises every day, making it interesting and complex to define what our future leaders will embody, and what their skill set needs to be. Occupational psychologist, Dr. Ines Wichert discusses what she believes to be the key ways to develop leaders for the uncertainty surrounding the future of work. Read further below.

Strong employee engagement – what does this look like? 

In allowing employees greater freedom and autonomy, employers can expect a happier workforce in return. So, are companies starting to realise that employee engagement and productivity are mutually inclusive? We explore further, and how the likes of Netflix have paved the way for employee experience. Click below to read more.

Are you the next HR leader? 

Our HR Future Leader’s vote is still open – get voting for who you think will one day make a fantastic all-rounded leader.

As ever, join the conversation and tweet us at @HRDCommunity or email me at [email protected].

I hope you enjoy the features.

Best wishes,

Emily Sexton-Brown,
Editor, HRD Connect