Liz Elder, LEGO Group at HRD Summit UK 2020
- 1 Min Read
Watch Liz Elder, Global Director – Leadership Development & Learning, LEGO Group, discuss how LEGO Group are transforming how they shape their leaders.
- Author: HRD Connect
- Date published: Feb 21, 2020
- Categories
In an increasingly uncertain world, managers and organisations will continuously be placed in new situations. Without proper support they will usually muddle through, but the potential impact on the business will be negative. It is critical that teams can work together in to respond creatively and innovatively to new challenges.
LEGO has been on a journey to reinterpret what it means to be a leader in their organisation, and are developing a culture to enable them to adapt and respond innovatively to the shifting consumer landscape.
Watch Liz Elder, Global Director – Leadership Development & Learning, LEGO Group, discuss how LEGO have taken a fundamentally new approach to leadership to allow everyone in the organisation to feel energised, while redefining the culture around leadership.