The demands of the workforce generation of the future
- 3 Min Read
As times change, the world of work follows on, with new generations stepping out of education and into full-time work. HRD Connect looks at how the world of work is changing, and what new generations could bring to the table.
- Author: Louron Pratt
- Date published: Jun 11, 2019
- Categories
The newest generation to make their step into work is Generation Z, with this generation adopting technology and connectivity from such a young age, their behaviours may be slightly altered to the generations before.
The demands and desires
In a recent survey of over 4,000 respondents in this generation. Supportive Leadership and Positive Relationships at worked were regarded as the top two most important factors to consider when approaching a new role.
In addition to this, equality and inclusivity were also an essential aspect of work.“ Issues related to equality and inclusivity were the second most-represented in open-ended responses. 74% of these responses mentioned the importance of “equal” or “fair” pay, with a noted emphasis on gender pay equity. This data further reinforces the importance of the human element to Gen Z – they would rather see pay fairly distributed among all employees than to individually receive extra pay for extra effort.” they said further elaborating on these findings.
Convenient location and a flexible approach to working were also considered as a desire to this generation, which is an aspect of work that we are already seeing emerging through four-day weeks and working from home benefits. For companies to ensure that they are attracting this new breed of talent, it may mean that they first must adapt to meet the desires of these newly engaged group.
Who are they?
Alongside their desires and expectations of working, this new generation image themselves as being hard-working and optimistic for the future, according to studies. In recent research, it is believed that Gen Z thinks that they are the hardest-working generation. In addition to this across the globe, more than half of this generation is optimistic about their future careers. However current employees in this generation are the least optimistic, with half of those currently serving an internship, and 28% of those working full-time saying that they are only ‘moderately’ optimistic about their future.
“Despite younger generations being called lazy by older generations, Gen Zers consider themselves the hardest-working. To inspire them to do their best work, companies must meet them at the starting line – give them training, flexibility, and mentorship. This digital generation, primarily relying on technology to communicate, suffers from anxiety. Thus, Gen Zers are looking for leaders who are trusting, support their needs and express care for them as humans – not just employees. Focusing on Gen Zers’ human needs will be the best way to address their workplace needs.” said Dan Schawbel, best-selling author and research director, Future Workplace.
With all of these strong demands and expectations of work for this generation, this new workforce can significantly positively impact the workplace, bringing new ideas and inventions in the workplace. Helping all generations under one hood to communicate, collaborate, and learn even more.
“Gen Z is bringing new expectations to the workplace, driven by their digital upbringing as well as their self-identified emotional barriers to success. They have strong feelings about how and when they want to work, especially compared to generations past. With Millennials moving into management roles, we’re entering an inflexion point in the employee-manager relationship – and leaders will need to familiarise themselves with the priorities of this latest generation of workers in order to effectively manage and develop them.” said Joyce Maroney, Executive Director, The Workforce Institute, Kronos.
Although work may be changing, and expectations of benefits may continue to shift, there is no doubt that with this new generation being incorporated into the world of work could provide a plethora of benefits, through innovation, engagement, and collaboration.