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A nation of job hoppers

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Research conducted by Indeed has revealed that only 2% of UK workers have the same job that they were in five years ago. With the term ‘job hopping’ becoming more of a regular trend for UK workers to follow

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Research from the largest job site Indeed, has revealed that the vast majority of British working adults have changed jobs at least once in the last five years. UK workers seem to be content with moving from job to job, as they gradually shift away from the traditional culture of having one job for life. 64% of employers admitted that this high turnover in staff would not have a negative effect on their business.

Bill Richards, UK Managing Director at global job site Indeed, comments: “Many of us are naturally wary of change, especially when it comes to something as important as our career. Our new research dispels the myth of the ‘job for life’ and supports the trend of non-linear career paths. Not everyone chooses to change jobs frequently, but most of us will work for a number of different employers during our careers”

Researchers also found a change in attitudes dependant on age towards this high frequency in job moves, with UK workers under the age 35 twice as likely than their older peers to think short-term jobs help their careers. 40% of people seeking jobs under 35 saw moving from job to job within five years as a positive option for their career, in comparison to only 15% of those older than 35. Fans of this change in culture praised it as a way to move from industry to industry, help identify better job prospects, as well as expand their network. However, 23% of these people seeking jobs felt short-termism would have a negative effect on their wider career prospects.

The most common reason for people being content with moving from job to job so frequently, was to learn new skills, have the ability to adapt, and to Boost their CV.

It does seem that although there are many companies that have risen to the trends of retaining staff through various generous benefit packages, such as flexible working, flexible working hours, and bonus packages to name a few. It has now become apparent that this is becoming more of a culture to move from job to job significantly more frequently than usual.

Bill continues on, saying, “ Yet there’s a lot to be said for seeking fresh challenges and broadening our horizons. While once employers were wary of candidates with a history of switching jobs, they’re increasingly embracing the broader skill set and adaptability job-hoppers offer. Variety is the spice of life, and job-hoppers can bring a huge injection of ideas, energy and professionalism to any workplace.”

Additional research also shows that only a surprising 2% of UK workers are in the same job that they were in five years ago.

Censuswide surveyed 1,007 UK jobseekers and 202 UK employers on behalf of Indeed in July and August 2018

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